Lookbook (And Tips!): Sun Is Shining And So Are You
5:15 PM
Shouted loudly come out and play
Can't you tell I got news for you
Sun is shining and so are you.."
Can't you tell I got news for you
Sun is shining and so are you.."
--Axwell Λ
Ingrosso "Sun is Shining"
Hello good
Just a quick post about my outfits
that my boyfriend gave to me. Well actually he sells this clothes but seems he
want to give one for me and selfishly picked this piece by his own.
Fortunately, it went good on my body though I need to make it a bit smaller due
to my weird body size *sigh*
I took these pictures during –let's
say Summer vacation– on July by the one and only Amanda my favorite
photographer. I love how the vibrant colors of this clothes went so well with
my super bright hair (I accidentally dyed my hair with wrong color but
turned I love it so much).
This clothes made from very nice
fabric. I don't really know what exactly it is, but it's thick but not
stiflingly hot at all. Such a perfect piece for summer isn't it? Even it went
well with my –look a like winter outfits– outer.
Well, actually their brand called Sun
Is Shining And So Are You –like Axwell Λ Ingrosso's song lyrics– and
shortened to SishAndSay. It sounds catchy to be honest, and feels
so spoon-fed. Just like a girls during their summer breaks. With bright
hair and glowing skin.
Here I bring you some tips to wear a
1. Find the perfect size
Don't go too tight or loose.You might
ended up like a wrapped candy when you wear a super tight jumpsuits. Or you may
lost your figure when wear the ultra-loose one. Find the best cut or model that
suits you body might help too. The one I wore is the basic cutting of jumpsuits
and left your shoulder exposed, if you think that your shoulder is too wide, go
with halter neck one, or off shoulder. It will wrapped an exact part of your
upper body and give you an smaller illusion~
Finding a perfectly draped jumpsuit
is gold! It will make your figure more flattering, more elegant and
taller. You will look even slimmer! For people with 1:1 body, you can
define your figure more with belt and place it where you want to 'make' your
waist. And it's easier to do with loose jumpsuits.
2. Snap some outer!
When selecting a blazer or jacket go
with one that enhances the jumpsuits and goes with the occasion. For me,
I always want to look chic and professional. So I went with this outer that I
got from my Mom and I never know what the heck is the brand. Well you
practically don't need to wear the outer, you can simply 'hang' the blazer on
your shoulder and let it works!
3. Wear heels with wide leg
Who said that petite people can not
afford a jumpsuits? Wide leg jumpsuits can overpower a small frame so make sure
you’re pairing it with skinny heels. Well, actually however your figure, when
you wear a long wide leg, you have to wear heels! Why, because wearing
flat will make your jumpsuits looks too big and sloppy.
You may say you hate jumpsuits, play
suits, whatsoever, but you can go like in one piece and done, how can you not
love it? ;)
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Wrislet from @egie.room |
It's almost holiday and Christmas is
right in front of our nose!
Have you plan your holiday with your precious one? Or family? Or anyone who will make you happy? Whoever they are, I hope your holiday is great and your new year will full of blessing~
Have you plan your holiday with your precious one? Or family? Or anyone who will make you happy? Whoever they are, I hope your holiday is great and your new year will full of blessing~
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