
Beauty Review: Absolute New York Eye Artiste Eyeshadow #Fudge & Matte Stick Lipstick #Bulgarian Rose (Sponsored)

6:13 PM

Hello everybody!
Holiday is near and I do really need to finish all of my work before the holiday come. Because I am gonna be very lazy during holiday. All I want is cuddling and eat a lot of food! LOL
So here I present you my review about products that i got from Absolute New York during Surabaya Beauty blogger first Soiree. Few weeks ago after the Soiree, me and other friends got a chance to take two products from Absolute New York. It's their Matte Stick lipstick and Eye Ariste Eye shadow.

First I got this beautiful brown color with grey hint color called Fudge
Brand: Absolute New York - Eye Artiste
Netto Weight: 2,25 gr
Origin: USA
Price: IDR 80,000
It actually comes with paper box which already ruined because my clumsiness. But don't worry, they also printed their shade and code on the pan. Pan? Yes, the truly come in pan with dual brush which actually handy to bring during traveling. The pan it self made from thick plastic which is good *ehm* actually I already dropped this eye shadow like many times but it still strong *ehm*

Color & Pigmentation:
Fudge is my dream color for contouring since it has hint of grey color and has a cool toned. Such a perfect color! Why? Because sometimes any brown color could be too reddish for contouring. And end up makes my face looks muddy. Yuck. This eye shadow is matte (yippie!) and has a great color pay off. I ever put too much product and ended up struggling to blend it out. LOL. It's a nice color to soften the eye makeup. You know, as the transition color.

 Actually it stays almost 6 hours on my nose as contouring product. IDK when I put it on eyes. I never tried it before - I mean wear it alone- so I can't see how long this eye shadow could stay on my eyes.

Second I got this beautiful bright red color called Bulgarian Rose (such a beautiful name wtf)
Brand: Absolute New York - Matte Stick
Netto Weight: 2,25 gr
Origin: USA
Price: IDR 75,000


It comes with sealed plastic that you can peeled off without losing any information from the tube. AND THAT'S GOOD! I love it! It has black doff tube -it's getting dirty easier because of my finger prints hiks- with red color which represent the color on the bullet. I LOVE THIS IDEA TOO! Since it makes me easier to find this lipstick. The code and name are printed under the tube. I think it's a sticker, but not sure.

Color & Pigmentation:
Bulgarian Rose is a bright, fresh red color -just like a rose!- that will brighten up my complexion instantly. It's a easy color to wear (at least for me or people who love bold color) since this color not too bold for daily wear and goes well with any kind of complexion! It freshen up, and makes your face looks young. You don't even need a lot of make up on your eyes since the lipstick itself is already pretty! Oh, it has great pigmentation too! It cover my lips color in one swipe, but the bullet actually too big for my preference :/

It's smooth and glides easily since the result of this lipstick is not a dead matte. It's more into velvet finish without shine. Actually it doesn't looks like matte lipstick at all for me LOL. But it's perfectly comfortable on my lips! Yeay!

 It stays all day during my fasting time. When I had my meal, it fades easily LOLOLOL it transfers everywhere! Maybe because of the creamy consistency. But yeah, I still love this lipstick thou.

I do really happy that I can try these product. The eye shadow is totally my favorite. I want to buy the brightest shade from this line. It's so beautiful and perfect for highlighting!
Thank you Surabaya Beauty Blogger and Absolute New York for the opportunity~
See you on the next review!
Happy Holiday!

annyeong! ❤

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