
Tips: How to be A Dream Wife - A Smart Shopping Solution with Priceza

8:45 PM

The title kinda intriguing, huh?

Here I do really want to give you some tips to a be a good wife with a good sense of shopping *wink wink*

Uncle Ben comes out with this great words in Spiderman: 'With great powers come great responsibilities.' Well, IDK about the power, but when you work with serious relationship, of course it comes with great responsibilities.

Gone are the days when men were considered kings of the castle. Now, women have started doing everything that was once considered part of the male domain. It could be as flippant as wearing trousers or as important as earning more than half the household's earnings. In fact, it is the woman who decides and spends a major chunk of the household income because sometimes men are 'too busy' dealing with their job. Oh well.

Let me tell you a story first. A few weeks ago my boyfriend moved his food business to a new place. And he needs a lot of things for it. Seems like he was a bit busy at that time and asked me to help him buying some stuffs. He said that he has no clue where to buy his needs online because he found out it's hard to get a best price, while he has no time to stroll over the traditional market.

I told him that I need him to make a list of his need. Because the most important thing when you want to shopping is making a priority list. It will help you and give you a mind mapping what you should buy first.

The second thing I did after he gave me the list was made a budgeting list. Before you shop, you need to know how much money you have, right? So you can manage and estimate how much the price of the goods you should buy.

And the last, you should take more time of yours to get the best price! Like how? Come on, I know that all of you have no time to sit in front of your computer or facing your phone all day only for comparing the price. It must be so tiring. And make your eyes hurt. I know right. But now I find it easier to get the best price with Priceza Indonesia ! What is Priceza Indonesia?

Well Priceza actually is a product search engine and price comparison platform since 2013 in Indonesia ( they also available in Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, and Philippines ). It's trully a shopping search engine that can help us to check the price before shopping. It will show you the price from some online shopping websites that sell some stuffs we need. So we can compare the price and get the best deal. Sounds that we are a promising wife-to-be already, right? 

Before you can operate this website or app, you need to sign up first. Here's the simple steps:
1. Visit priceza.co.id or download the app on App Store or Play Store, search Priceza.
2. It will suggest you some ways to sign up.
3. After that you can search the product that you're looking for at the search box.
4. Priceza will show some prices comparison from several online shopping websites, choose the best price, purchase, then done !

in addition to the ease of access given, priceza also provides a favorable offer of point rewards.

How to get the point rewards?
 - Subscribed to Priceza or  download the Priceza Indonesia app to gain 50 points.
- You can do the review. You will gain 50 points for your first review an 25 point for the next review. 
- Check the online shopping website's home to gain 10 points
- Save and likes products for 10 points
- Vote and rank the product price for 10 points (you can find it only at app) 
( Find more about Priceza Point here)

And uh ooh, you can redeem the points with some gifts! Basically there is 2 kinds of gifts that we can receive; Regular Gift ( gifts that can be exchanged every month ) and Lucky Draw ( you will get the lucky draw number and get the prize by sweepstakes )

Sooo, have you get an idea how great you are in managing finance for shopping? You may be the coolest wife with the best ability to manage money with Priceza. Well, you can get the best price and still receiving gifts from your shopping activity! Your boyfriend should sign up to be your husband soon!

Priceza's Official Website : www.priceza.co.id
Official Twitter Account : @pricezaindo
Official Facebook Fan Page : Priceza Indonesia
Official Youtube Account : Priceza Indonesia
Official Instagram Account : Priceza_id

Hope it helps!

annyeong! ❤

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4 message(s) in the bottle ❤

  1. Replies
    1. Sure it is!
      It does really helps us to find the best price.
      So convenience

      Thank you for stopping by ^^

  2. hahaha now I know how to be a good wife. I will try the app. nice info ^^

    have a nice day

    1. You should try!! LOL LOL LOL

      Thank you for stopping by ^^


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