Eyedoring: Maybelline Eye Studio Lasting Drama Gel Eyeliner Review & Tips!

11:07 PM

Hello ladieees,,
today I will do some review about this product and show you some tips using this gel eyeliner. Well, honestly, I don't like this gel eyeliner, at the first time. Why? Let me show you

It has a boring packaging, so I just throw it away. ( I always storage my make up box, if they are too cute to throw away)

It's quite expensive, Rp 93.000. Well, it should be so cheap if this eyeliner has a good quality, but it's not (for me)

It comes in a jar and a brush. I love the packaging, looks elegant and expensive (yes it does). I don't like gel liner with cone-or-whatever-that shape.it looks, so weird for me. Lol

The brush comes with transparent cap and long handle. I love this brush (ya meskipun agak kasar ujungnya dan kadang-kadang sakit boo kalau dipakai oles-oles di mata) but it's fine since I know how to use it without hurting my eyes.

Here the swatch. Deepest black and I love it ! The texture is over creamy. Sorry to say, but I hate the texture.

Pour it with water

pat pat with tissue, aaand it still on the place. So I can say it waterproof

Let it dry a little and rub it (I rub it six times) and it becomes like this

Well, it's not smudge-proof enough. I thought it would be fine, so I just put it on my eyelids and the result was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bad !! I guess it must be because of the texture. I am sure about it, because the-super-extra-creamy texture will going so bad on my oily eyelids, it's hard to dry since the texture is over creamy -___- 
It smudge everywhere and it does ruin my day !! it makes me look like panda, zombie, or anything. Gaaaargh !!!! I do hate this gel eyeliner ! And I thought it just such waste for 93.000 ! I almost throw this eyeliner till I found how to use this eyeliner perfectly (but still smudge a little)

So, for oily eyelids, here's the tips ;))

First, prepare this eyeliner

Put some eyeliner on your brush. Then, open your eyes till you can see your inner upper lash line, make sure that you open your eyes widely. Line your inner upper lash line with the eyeliner, like this.

Make sure that you did it carefully, since it can become so hurt (but the result is awesome, so natural !!)

After line it properly, smudge it a little to the lash line, don't be to higher. Just along the lash line.

Then, it should be look like this, not too bold.

And the result should be like this. So natural, isn't it? I love how does it look, really lovely :3

It can smudge a little into your bottom lash line, but it's okay, it would frame your bottom lash line naturally. So, interest to try?? :3

 photo 4a2bd7da-7b0f-48d6-ae72-9937ff541209_zps578a7175.png

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14 message(s) in the bottle ❤

  1. kamu belinya dimana 93rb? ake beli di SOGO kelapa gading cuma 80an doank loh.. O__O)
    Ak pake ini juga.. agak smudge sih.. untungnya ga punya kebiasaan kucek2 mata..

  2. di SOGO Galaxy Mall surabaya, Sar
    shuvit banget kan ?! makanya aku kesel waktu tau eyeliner ini smudge gak karuan, mahal banget !
    pas aku beli yang coklat, lagi ada promo di guardian, jadi cuma 43rb, ini mahal bener T-T

  3. aaa padahal pengen coba ini gel liner loh >.< di guardian masih ada ci? tar liat ahh siapa tau bs dapet hehehe :p

    anyway i reallt love the last photo of this post! your eyes are really beautiful <3

    followed you blog ci! visit mine some other time, if you have time :)
    caroline (carolinelle.blogspot.com)

  4. yes it is! thank you so much! :) aww you're lucky, I wish it was still hot here too. anyway, lovely post! <3 xx http://day-dreameer.blogspot.pt/

  5. It actually works well on my lid..
    I have review about this one also,,
    I love it ^^

    XOXO Kiky,,

  6. jadi overall kmu gak suka dong say??
    udah sini buat aku aja kalo gtu :D #tendaanggg!

    coba pake MAD gel liner deh~~ very GOOODDDDDDDD ^^

  7. gyahahahaha, monic :))
    sedang belajar suka ni, hue hue hue
    sayang men, 93.000 wkwkwk #gamaurugi

    eh, mad eyeliner cari dimana? D:

  8. nice~ thanks for the review! i found you from the hop! were did you get your mouse effect?

  9. thank you for commenting <3
    about that cursor, my sister did it for me :3

  10. i keep hearing how great this! i'll have to check it out! New follower, can't wait to catch up on your posts!

  11. we have the same product in America, but it looks so much different than this! And it works well for me. I love seeing beauty products from other countries. following you now :-)

  12. I need to try this! New follower, can't wait to see your future posts.

  13. Beautiful Post!
    I'm following you (Gloria Pepe 272)!
    I'd love if you checked out my blog, and if you like it, can we follow each other?


  14. Great review! And thanks for the application tips!

    Radha xoxo


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