GG Review: SNP Prep Cafferonic Shampoo And Treatment
11:27 AMHai teman-teman apa kabar?
Semoga selalu dalam keadaan baik yaa.
Hi friends how are you?
I hope you are always in good condition.
Kalau diingat-ingat sudah lama sekali ya sejak terakhir kali aku review produk buat perawatan rambut. Nah, kali ini aku bakal review produk sahmpo terbaru dari SNP! Salah satu brand favorit aku.
If I remember, it's been a long time since I last reviewed a product for hair care. Well, this time I will review the latest shampoo product from SNP! One of my favorite brands.
Jadi, apasih produk baru mereka ini? Varian terbaru dari SNP Prep ini namanya Cafferonic. Ayoo yang suka banget sama kopi, simak review kali ini baik-baik ya.
So, what is their new product? The newest variant of SNP Prep is called Cafferonic. Come on, those who really like coffee, take a good look at this review!
SNP Prep Cafferonic dari SNP ini memiliki dua produk untuk perawatan rambut:
- Yang pertama ada SNP Prep Cafferonic Shampoo
- Yang kedua SNP Prep Cafferonic Treatment
SNP Prep Cafferonic from this SNP has two products for hair care:
- The first one is SNP Prep Cafferonic Shampoo
- The second is SNP Prep Cafferonic Treatment
Apa sih yang membuat produk ini spesial?
What makes this product special?
SNP Prep Cafferonic Shampoo and Treatment adalah varian terbaru SNP Prep dengan kandungan utama; Biji Kopi Arabica, 5 macam Hyaluronic Acid, 17 macam Asam Amino, dan 4 macam Probiotik.
SNP Prep Cafferonic Shampoo and Treatment is the latest variant of SNP Prep with the main ingredients; Arabica Coffee Beans, 5 kinds of Hyaluronic Acid, 17 kinds of Amino Acids, and 4 kinds of Probiotics.
Jadi waktu pertama kali baca ingredients nya, jujur sempat penasaran sama probiotik yang ada di dalam produk ini. Akhirnya aku riset soal ini, ternyata prebiotik juga punya manfaat besar untuk kesehatan kulit kepala.
When I first read the ingredients, I was honestly curious about the probiotics in this product. So I finally researched this, it turns out that prebiotics also have great benefits for scalp health.
(Note: Aku cuma bingung sebenernya yang ada di sampo ini probitoik atau prebiotik, karena probiotik adalah bakteri baik sedangkan prebiotik adalah asupan makanan untuk menunjang pertumbuhan bakteri baik tersebut)
(Note: I'm just confused what is actually in this shampoo, probiotic or prebiotic, because probiotics are good bacteria while prebiotics are food intake to support the growth of these good bacteria)
Prebiotik di kulit kepala bekerja untuk menyeimbangkan mikro flora di lapisan kulit kepala. Prebiotik juga mengembalikan keseimbangan dan menyempurnakan sistem pertahanan alaminya. Nah, kondisi kulit kepala yang sehat dan seimbang ini bisa membuat kita terbebas dari permasalahan kulit kepala seperti ketombe, kulit kepala kering dan berminyak.
Prebiotics in the scalp work to balance the micro flora in the layers of the scalp. Prebiotics also restore balance and enhance the natural defense system. Well, this healthy and balanced scalp condition can make us free from scalp problems such as dandruff, dry and oily scalp.
Nah sekarang kita bahas secara detail untuk tiap produk ya!
Now, let's discuss in detail for each product, okay?
SNP Prep Cafferonic Shampoo (500ml)
Yang pertama ada sampo. Sampo ini mengklaim bisa membersihkan dan menutrisi rambut serta mengurangi sebum dan minyak berlebih dan menjaga rambut agar tetap sehat dan kuat.
The first is shampoo. This shampoo claims to clean and nourish the hair as well as reduce sebum and excess oil and keep hair healthy and strong.
Water, Sodium C14-16 Olefin Sulfonate, Lauryl Betaine, Glycerin, Sodium Methyl Cocoyl Taurate, Sodium Chloride, Methylpropanediol, C12-14 Pareth-12, Polyquaternium-10, Citric Acid, Caprylyl Glycol, Ethylhexylglycerin, Propylene Glycol Laurate, Climbazole, Glyceryl Caprylate, Disodium EDTA, Butylene Glycol, Coffea Arabica (Coffe) Seed Extract(6 ppm), 1,2-Hexanediol, Bifida Ferment Filtrate, Lactobacillus Ferment, Lactococcus Ferment Lysate, Streptococcus Thermophilus Ferment, Glycine, Serine, Glutamic Acid, Sodium Hyaluronite, Aspartic Acid, Hydrolyzed Keratin, Leucine, Hydrolyzed Elastin, Alanine, Lysine, Arginine, Tyrosine, Phenylalanine, Proline, Threonine, Valine, Isoleucine, Histidine, Cysteine, Methionine, Hydroxypropyltrimonium Hyaluronate, Hydrolyzed Hyaluronic Acid, Sodium Acetylated Hyaluronate, Hyaluronic Acid, Sodium Hyaluronate Crosspolymer, Potassium Hyaluronate, Fragrance
Cara pemakaian:
Basahi rambut secara merata, ambil shampo secukupnya, ratakan dan pijat perlahan di kulit kepala sampai berbusa kemudian bilas sampai bersih.
Harga: Rp 180.000,-
How to use:
Wet hair evenly, take an adequate amount of shampoo, blend and massage gently on the scalp until it lathers then rinse thoroughly.
Price: IDR 180,000,-
Pertama kita akan bahas mengenai kemasan dari sampo ini. Sampo ini dikemas dalam botol plastik clear berwarna coklat gelap. Untuk kualitas plastik yang digunakan bagus. Tipikal produk SNP. Produk ini dilengkapi dengan pump yang memudahkan untuk mengeluarkan produknya. Jujur aku suka dengan tipe kemasan seperti ini karena nggak akan berantakan waktu mengeluarkan produk. Downside nya mungkin hanya karena ukuran produknya yang terlalu besar, jadi akan susah dibawa saat traveling. Harus diletakkan ke wadah yang lebih kecil.
Ada kertas yang membungkus botolnya dan memuat keterangan mengenai produk ini dalam hangul, English, dan Indonesia. Kertasnya bisa dipakai buat “cup wrap” supaya ngga panas waktu pegang cup nya. You know, just like one from the famous coffee brand.
First we will discuss about the packaging of this shampoo. This shampoo is packaged in a dark brown clear plastic bottle. The quality of the plastic used is good. Typical SNP products. This product is equipped with a pump which makes it easy to dispense the product. Honestly, I like this type of packaging because it doesn't mess up when you take out the product. The downside might be that the product size is too big, so it will be difficult to carry when traveling. Should be placed in a smaller container.
There is paper that wrapped the bottle and contains information about this product in Hangul, English, and Indonesian. We can reuse it as a "cup wrap" to avoid the heat. You know, just like one from the famous coffee brand.
Tekstur dan Aroma:
Tekstur sampo ini tidak terlalu kental dan tidak terlalu cair. Which is good. Karena akan lebih mudah berbusa. Tolong diingat ya, cara pakai sampo dengan benar itu dibusakan dahulu kemudian baru diusapkan ke rambut.
It smells heavenly! Dan awet di rambut. Tapi menurutku, baunya kadang bikin jadi pusing. Ngga tau deh, mungkin aku nya aja yang aneh. LOL.
Texture and Scent:
The texture of this shampoo is neither too thick nor too runny. Which is good. Because it will be easier to foam. Please remember, how to use shampoo properly is to foam it first and then apply it to your hair.
It smells heavenly! And it lasts on the hair. But in my opinion, the smell sometimes makes me dizzy. I don't know, maybe I'm the weird one. LOL.
Bener-bener bikin rambut bersih! Kenapa aku bilang gini? Karena rambutku jadi kesat (nggak dalam arti yang buruk, ya) waktu selesai dibilas. Tapi ini membuktikan bahwa minyak dan kotoran di rambut terangkat. Disamping itu residu samponya juga bener-bener hilang.
It’s really clean my hair! Why did I say this? Because my hair gets really rough (not in a bad way of course) when I rinse it off. But this proves that the oil and dirt in the hair is lifted. Besides, the shampoo residue is also completely gone.
SNP Prep Cafferonic Treatment (310ml)
Yang kedua ada SNP Prep Cafferonic Treatment, atau umumnya kita sebut sebagai conditioner. Produk ini diklaim bisa mengatasi dan menutrisi rambut rusak, sehingga rambut menjadi halus dan berkilau.
The second is SNP Prep Cafferonic Treatment, or we generally call it as conditioner. This product is claimed to be able to overcome and nourish damaged hair, so that the hair becomes smooth and shiny.
Water, Cetearyl Alcohol, Cetyl Ethylhexanoate, Glycerin, Dimethicone, Cyclopentasiloxane, Glyceryl Stearate, Propylene Glycol, Steartrimonium Chloride, Cetrimonium Chloride, Sodium Benzoate, Dimethiconol, Behentrimonium Chloride, Tocopheryl Acetate, Panthenol, Disodium EDTA, Ethylhexylglycerin, Citric Acid, Betaine, Cyclomethicone, Butylene Glycol, Coffea Arabica (Coffe) Seed Extract(6 ppm), 1,2-Hexanediol, Bifida Ferment Filtrate, Lactobacillus Ferment, Lactococcus Ferment Lysate, Streptococcus Thermophilus Ferment, Glycine, Serine, Glutamic Acid, Sodium Hyaluronate, Aspartic Acid, Hydrolyzed Keratin, Leucine, Hydrolyzed Elastin, Alanine, Lysine, Arginine, Tyrosine, Phenylalanine, Proline, Threonine, Valine, Isoleucine, Histidine, Cysteine, Methionine, Hydroxypropyltrimonium Hyaluronate, Capryly Glycol, Hyadrolyzed Hyaluronic Acid, Sodium Acetylated Hyaluronate, Hyaluronic Acid, Sodium Hyaluronate Crosspolymer, Potassium Hyaluronate, Fragrance
Cara pemakaian:
Setelah menggunakan shampo, tuang secukupnya treatment, usapkan treatment pada rambut hingga ke ujung rambut, diamkan 3-5 menit lalu bilas dengan air.
Harga: Rp 180.000,-
How to use:
After using shampoo, pour enough treatment, rub the treatment on the hair to the ends of the hair, let stand 3-5 minutes then rinse with water.
Price: IDR 180,000,-
Untuk packagingnya tidak ada perbedaan dengan samponya. Hanya saja ukurannya lebih kecil. Botolnya juga dilengkapi dengan kertas wrap.
For the packaging, there is no difference with the shampoo. Only the size is smaller. The bottle also comes with a paper wrap.
Tekstur dari conditioner ini kental dan berwarna putih susu seperti conditioner pada umumnya. Untuk wanginya sama seperti samponya. Sumpah deh, wanginya tuh enak, tapi aku jadi suka pusing kalau cium kelamaan. LOLOLOL.
Texture and Scent:
The texture of this conditioner is thick and milky white like a conditioner in general. The smell is the same as the shampoo. I swear, it smells good, but I get dizzy when I smell it for too long. LOLOLOL.
Pengaplikasiannya gampang dan da efek licin waktu diaplikasikan di rambut, seperti conditioner pada umumnya. Efek setelah pakai conditioner ini rambut jadi lebih lembut dan ngga ada rambut yang terbang melayang.
The application is easy and there is a slippery effect when applied to the hair, like a conditioner in general. The effect after using this conditioner is that the hair becomes softer and there is no hair flying around.
Final Verdict:
Jujur suka banget sama hasil yang dikasih dua produk ini setelah lima hari pemakaian (mungkin hasil yang didapat akan lebih maksimal setelah pemakaian selama seminggu atau lebih) rambut jadi lebih halus dan manageable. Styling pun jadi lebih gampang dan lebih cepat waktu catok and such. The downside dari produk ini di rambut aku cuma satu, karena hasilnya bikin rambut lebut banget, rambut aku jadi kelihatan lepek (rambut aku helainya kecil dan super lurus) jadi harus dityling supaya kelihatan lebih full dan bouncy. Which is fine karena overall produk ini bagus banget.
Honestly, I really like the results given by these products after five days (maybe the results will be maximized after using it for a week or more) hair becomes smoother and manageable. Styling also becomes easier and faster when straightening and such. The downside of this product on my hair is only one, because the results make my hair really soft, my hair looks limp (my hair is small and super straight) so I have to style it to make it look fuller and bouncy. Which is fine because overall this product is really good.
Aku bener-bener rekomen produk ini untuk siapa pun yang pengen rambut lembut dan mudah diatur. Karena hasilnya memang bagus! Kalian bisa lihat di foto before after ku ini~
I really recommend this product to anyone who wants soft and manageable hair. Because the results are really good! You can see it on my before after picture~
Jadi, kalian jangan lupa coba dan kasih tahu aku gimana efeknya di rambut kalian ya! Buat yang udah pernah coba, kalian bisa juga komen di postingan ini untuk share pengalaman kalian dengan produk ini~
Don't forget to try it and let me know how it works on your hair! For those who have tried it, you can also comment on this post to share your experiences with this product~
Nah sekian dulu yaa review kali ini. Kalau kalian mau dapat informasi terbaru mengenai produk, promo, hadiah, giveaway dll, kalian bisa langsung follow official akun instagram
So that's it for this review. If you want to get the latest information about products, promos, prizes, giveaways, etc., you can immediately follow the official Instagram account
Oh iya, kalian juga bisa beli sampo dan treatment Cafferonic ini secara online di:
You can also buy this Cafferonic shampoo and treatment online at:
Sampai jumpa di review berikutnya!
See you in the next review!

2 message(s) in the bottle ❤
Kemasannya cantik bangettt, jadi kepo mau cobain deh!
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