
Pout-Put: Etude House Dear My Blooming Lips Talk (OR204 & OR205) and TIPS ! :D

8:50 PM

Hello Ladies :D~
I am back with review, As you may know, Etude House has recently released a new  lipsticks line, promoted by Dara from 2NE1 and SHINee called Dear My Blooming Lips Talk - what a name ! (well yeah, they made so-suprisingly-video for sure, LOL). So today I will do a review for two shades from this lipstick line. They are OR204 - Bashful Coral and OR205 - Energizing Orange - CMIIW. I got these babies from Mirielle Beaute - my all time favorite online shop.

Description From Etude House :
Etude House Dear My Blooming Lips-talk: Lovely & Girlish 24 colors!
- Smooth texture and outstanding color of creamy gel texture makes clean and vivid lips.
- Relaxed Fitting Complex & Smooth Powder System makes smooth lips without crack.
- Moist Liquid Paste and Hydro-Moist Complex makes moist and kissable lips.

So, here is the boxes, did you see them, very very pretty, OMG. I got them on special edition. Lucky me.

Packaging (5/5):
It comes in pink pearly packaging. OMG I can't stand my self staring at them, they are so cute. The shape, the cutie bow. Nothing to say about packaging, they are cute, they are pretty, so Etude ! LOVE  


Pink label means 'HOT' or most wanted item ;)

Even my Mom asked me to buy this baby for her, and I got her in PK004. It's a bright barbie pink. And yeah, she is wearing it in her 43 years old age, and it;s pretty on her. Yeah, that's my mom...

Formula (4/5) :
The color it's perfectly pigmented and doesn't have shimmer (God Bless). The scent is subtle, not annoying me at all. I love it. It's creamy and glides smoothly on my lips, but it's turning bad if you don't scrub and moisturize your lips first. For me, it ways too creamy, and it sinks in fine lines perfectly (I hate it for sure).

 OR204 (4/5):
OR204 is pretty pinky-coraly lipstick with a lil bit hint of blue color, I don't know it's my eyes or it does really happen on this lippy. This color is turning more into pinkies color on my lips. Well, I am not pinky person, but finally this lipstick is turning good on my lips. LOL.

OR205 (5/5) :
OR205 is pretty bright milky orange lipstick. It looks paler on stick but turn into pretty milky orange on my lips, and become pretty warm orange after 3 seconds. It just like oxidize on my lips. LOL. My favorite for sure. I am more into orange-coral color for lipstick. It makes my skin brighter.


 without flash - direct sunlight 
left : OR205 - right : OR204 (2 swipes)

 with flash


swatch on my -poor- lips (left : OR204 - right : OR205)

1. Make sure that your lips are free from flaky dead skins. Scrub it (sugar and honey will help you) and make sure that your lips are well moisturize. I am using La Tulipe Lips Moist, it helps me to reduce fine lines. (review soon)
2. Cover the edge of your lips with BB Cream or lips concealer then put the lipstick in the middle of your lips.
3. Smack your lips to spread the color.
4. You can using any lip brush to get precise application ;)

Final Verdict :4/5
Pros :D
- Have 24 colors (WOW)
- Moisturizing
- Doesn't have shimmer
- Has a subtle sweet scent
- CUTE !!! LOL
- Pigmented

Cons :(
- Sometimes it ways too creamy
- It sinks into fine lines (Damn, I hate it)
- Look flaky on dry lips
- Staying power is yeaaah 3-4 hours without eating

Hope this review help you ladiees :3

PS : My junior in college got leukemic. I am so sad and cried all day. She just like my sister. I love her and fell so sorry about her. I hope she's getting better soon. So I beg on all of you to pray for her, guys. I will appreciate it very much. Thank you :(
 photo 4a2bd7da-7b0f-48d6-ae72-9937ff541209_zps578a7175.png

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19 message(s) in the bottle ❤

  1. pretty colors =] hihi
    sorry for hear that git :(( hope she could get well soon!

  2. Warnanya cantik :)
    Btw semoga cepet sembuh dan diberi keajaiban oleh Tuhan ya temanmu ce :'')

  3. I follow you ;D

  4. Love your blog, shall we follow> let me know XSE

  5. Love your blog, shall we follow> let me know XSE

  6. Hi pretty! Thanks for comment and follow my blog! I follow you back now. Kisses!!


  7. Thank you for the nice comment on my blog, of course i would love to follow each other. I'll follow you now! Keep in touch :)


  8. they are amazing! truly girly~! love those lipsticks!
    i already follow you

  9. Followed you back:) And maybe you wanna follow each other on Bloglovin? Let mi know :*
    Blog Lissey
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    Lissey on Facebook

  10. how sweet lipstick <3

  11. so lovely!!!!!!!!

    Wanna join my new Oasap giveaway?



  13. Aww thanks so much for stopping by and following my blog! Just followed you as well and the packaging on these lipsticks are GORGEOUS! :)

    Happy Sunday!

    My Blog, Crystal Chizoba
    My YouTube Channel

  14. Lovely post, I wanna have the orange one! I follow you back , hope we speak us soon XSE

  15. Thanks for the comment. Followed you back.:)

  16. The engraved detailing in the lipstick is GORGEOUS!! And your lips are so big * u * (Take that as a compliment, because I wish I had big lips OTL)

    Please check out my blog! <3: http://tokki-autumn.blogspot.com/

  17. the color look pretty and korean product always come with superb cute packaging right?


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